Saturday, June 11, 2005

Actor Sean Penn In Tehran

Originally uploaded by .noroozpour The people know Sean Penn the actor, but not many of them know Sean Penn the journalist. Hollywood actor Sean Penn, accompanying with two American journalists, Norman Solomon and Reese Erlich, was present at Tehran Friday prayer on assignment for San Francisco Chronicle. The star of Interpreter and the two other journalists will cover the presidential elections on June 17 , and try to get interviews with all candidates. Meanwhile Penn is going to write the account of this short trip for Chronicle as a journalist. He traveled to Iraq before and after the Iraq war in 2003 and wrote an account of his trip for the Chronicle. Reese Erlich and Norman Solomon also published the book : " Iraq war: What the News Media Didn't Tell You". Solomon is also the author of War Made Easy: How Presidents and Pundits Keep Spinning Us to Death. From My Farsi Blog


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