Friday, August 11, 2006

Muslims sceptical about UK's latest terror alert

The latest alleged terrorist plot in the UK to simultaneously carry out up to 10 simultaneous mid-air explosions on flights to the US has caused both concern and scepticism among the country's Muslim communities. Muslims, who are already critical of the government's strategy, refer to previous false scares and misinformation, exampled by the supposed ricin poison plot, the mistaken police killing of a Brazilian and the blundered raid in Forest Gate, east London. Fahad Ansari, of the Islamic Human Rights Commission, said that cynicism was caused by many high-profile raids plastered over the press in recent years. "We have seen it time and time again. It has been hit and miss on too many occasions. It is causing a lot of mass hysteria," Ansari was quoted saying by the Guardian newspaper Friday. Here


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